Going All the Way

Deciding on the choice.In our everyday lives, we make choices. Some we regret we never did it and some we love to tell about. But the issue with today’s society is not deciding what to. It is making a choice and sticking with it. Let’s not lie to ourselves. We are so eager at first but as we move forward, we drift off and end up making another choice and we go for that one instead.

It is very important to make a decision and go all the way until the very end. You will never know what that path will unravel and how many doors will open up. I will admit that sticking with a decision and continuing on with it is a very tough ride. But think about how rewarding it will be and when you get there, you can tell yourself how proud you are. Many of us have a strong tendency to contemplate about all the possible scenarios before even starting with a choice. All the “if this happen…”,  “what if this happens…”, and “so if i do this…,” are so pointless and it’s all in your head. Don’t psyche yourself out. Nothing gets done if it is all in your head. Nobody knows. You don’t know. So, decide, commit, and live through the experience. Don’t be afraid of the outcome. Take the hits and the ups and downs. It’s all part of the learning process. Stick to the facts. Subjectivity will get you nowhere unless you apply to it.

Think of it as taking a math test. You think you know it, but all you do is think about all the possible numbers, variables, and formula to plug and chug. Just write it all down and figure it out. Now you know and you go at it again. Even though it is wrong, it feels good that you made an attempt. Of course, being right is great, too. But you’re in motion once you commit to the choice. It’s that motion that thrives your curiosity and motivation. That is also how you develop skills and knowledge. The motion induces your craving for possibility and achievement. The more you desire, the more hungrier you get. The end result is definitely worth it.

Making a choice and going all the way is an art. You can start on a piece and walk away. It becomes unfinished and distracting. It is ugly and your dedication is a waste of time. Nobody appreciates it. You don’t appreciate it. You have stopped your movement and nobody can be part of it. But if you finish the piece, people will acknowledge it. Your expression has been achieved. You can now say you are an artist.

Think about it, the Earth itself rotates in one direction. It doesn’t stop. Whatever is happening in Earth is the direct result of that motion. Most likely living organisms will die in the near future due to lack of resources, overpopulation, and food shortage. But it won’t know until it gets there. The possibility of some spontaneous events might occur on reproducing the resources such as scientific technologies and spontaneous combustion like another Big Bang. Who knows. Well, the Earth rotates and it will eventually know when it gets there.

So, you should do the same. Decide and go all the way.

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